ECOlonie is a place not just for a rest, you can also choose from a range of activities. For example walking, cycling, being creative, yoga. But also activities aimed at sustainability, such as vegetarian cooking, working with herbs, ecological gardening. And to get to know our community even better, we invite you to help out, for example in the vegetable garden, fruit garden and herb garden, in the kitchen or with the dishes.

The available activities differ from season to season. Most things are on in summertime. In July and August, several kinds of workshops are available, mainly lasting half a day. To subscribe to these just register at the spot. During spring and autumn breaks we offer extra activities, for instance guided walks.

Below you will find the agenda with activities in English (reservation needed). Activities that are offered all year round (not necessarily in English) are listed below the agenda.

In the week from 19 to 26 April 2025

22 april 2025 from 18:00u to 19:15u

A special announcement this time for an Online Gathering with our friends in the invisible worlds. In collaboration with Ying Li, who will be facilitating the Gathering with us this summer and has been a longtime assistant of Marko Pogačnik, we invite you to: Earth Day Online Gathering: Open Your Heart to the Beings of Nature

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In the week from 19 to 26 July 2025

From 20 to 26 july 2025

During this 6th Gathering, we explore the different chambers of Gaia, that fragile shell of life around our planet, thus increasing our awareness of our place in the whole. For example, in contact with nature beings, we will investigate the importance of the network of hornbeams and other trees along the Ourche and other streams and rivers.

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Activities throughout the year. Ask us for possibilities.

Forge Neuve

Mythical magical tour on Forge Neuve

At Forge Neuve, two-and-a-half kilometres downstream from ECOlonie in the natural valley of the Ourche, you can enjoy hiking and in summer visit the teahouse, go swimming in the small lake or visit the many power places of the Golden Triangle Path. There are many places where the energy of the invisible and mostly unknown worlds can be more easely experienced here.

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Art studio

In our art studio and (weather permitting) outside you may occupy yourself being creative in an artistic way. Adults as well as children may work here with the help of an experienced person.

At the rhythms of your footsteps…

ECOlonie: the ideal starting point for the wanderer! Either roaming the countryside endlessly or going for a short walk, alone or with other people: explore the possibilities for walking about at ECOlonie and you may find out the deeper meaning of it. 


The Visions of ECOlonie

ECOlonie is more than just a very special holiday resort. Getting acquainted with our way of life as a community and our outlook on life in general turns out to be a source of inspiration to many. Once a week, in the early evening, we enjoy exchanging ideas, views and thoughts with interested guests.

Organic gardening

The organic vegetable and herb gardens are a very important part of ECOlonie. If you are interested we are happy to discuss them.

In July and August one night a week an information evening is held about our vegetable gardens and there are guided walks through the herb garden. We will talk about its origins, cultivation methods, crop rotation and so on. Of course it is possible to lend us a hand in the gardens too!

Solar power with solar cells and water revitalisation system

Interested people will be offered information about these on request and may have a look at both systems.

An important part of the water used at the campsite and in the large kitchen is being heated by solar power. A system developed by ourselves takes care of optimal transference of solar warmth to the water for the showers and kitchen.

Also all our pipe water is revitalised by a Grander water revitalisation system. This means that all tap water takes on its original properties.


The eco-path is permanently present at the site. It consists of a guided tour along several information panels informing about ways of using alternative energy. For instance the solar cells, compost toilet, water cabin, etc.

Earth school class

Gaia speaks to us...

Say hello to the clouds, listen to the water or dance with the trees...

Find a way to walk your path on this beautiful planet

Bring your own curiosity and good intentions, nature will do the rest

Counselor of Nature

In the silence of the forest, the murmur of the water, in the scent of grass or the energy of a power spot on Forge Neuve, everywhere you can let the secrets of life speak to you. Reflecting on nature or listening to your ear laying on the earth, her lived wisdom is in everything around us. You can even ask the nature beings to support you. Or do a small ritual in which you confirm your intentions. During an individual session I give you the space to deepen and strengthen your contact with nature. And you will receive guidelines to continue working on this yourself. If possible you can receive and be grounded in what will be spoken, organized and/or done by you in your life.

Offering an activity yourself

It is possible to give workshops yourself at ECOlonie. A workshop is a short activity for the duration of perhaps (half) a day. Participants register at the spot. Workshops may be given too in periods other than the summer-program time. Please contact us for more information.