The different kinds of work at ECOlonie are split up in project groups with their own responsibilities and tasks. Each of them is headed by a resident. The work is done by both residents and volunteers. Below a summary of the projects. Other, not mentioned projects are: the bees, chickens, clothing atelier (sewing and selling new & second hand clothing), edible mushrooms, the cheesery, the guest house, art studio Le papillon, ecological renovation and construction.

The ECOlonie gardens
In the gardens of ECOlonie one may enjoy the luxuriant growth and abundance of flowers, of organic herbs, vegetables and fruits, whilst walking, working or doing other things.

Herb garden
Here we cultivate with the utmost love, care and attention over 120 kinds of herbs.

The Green Cathedral on Forge Neuve
These activities takes place at Forge Neuve the Green Cathedral

Goat farm ‘La Ferme’
Since October 2005 we have the use of a farm and 14 hectare of meadow land. This farm is situated at 700 meter from our main site ’Thietry‘ (with e.g. our campsite, guesthouse and gardens).

This is the brand name for the products of our small scale activities like the development of ethereal oils, massage oils, herbal remedies and teas.