The Gathering of July 19/26, 2025
In cooperation with all beings
Wake up call
Summer 2020, we answered the call of nature beings - who were present en masse in the Green Cathedral that year – they wanted to be seen and heard.
Our collective life on Earth is at stake.
We agreed to explore our promises further, by further exploring and deepening our contact with the animated world. The urgency only increases to communicate and practice together with other Earthlings, on matters that concern us all and Gaia.

The invisible worlds and subtle realms require attunement, respect, silence. Say an ‘Earth Mysticism’ that we live in simplicity by increasing together our receptivity, listening and ultimately acting. To this end, the Green Cathedral at Forge Neuve is a beautiful place with a very powerful energy field and great radiance. In this energy field, we can more easily expand our awareness, allowing people and nature beings to meet as equals.
Over the years, we have gained experience with applicable forms of communicaton with nature beings. And noticed that everyone has her or his own entrances in this. Thus, during the Gathering we will do experience-oriented exercises through sound and movement, drawing and meditation and the like. By doing so, we will increase our capacity to see the invisible dimensions in all their capacities and enter into a relationship with our fellow Earthlings while learning.
During this 6th Gathering, we explore the different chambers of Gaia, that fragile shell of life around our planet, thus increasing our awareness of our place in the whole. For example, in contact with nature beings, we will investigate the importance of the network of hornbeams and other trees along the Ourche and other streams and rivers.
Marko Pogačnik was here last summer and once again opened new gates. This line will be continued next summer by Ying Li, a long-time student and assistant of Pogačnik.
She herself says this about it: "Forge Neuve is a fairyland, and it reminds us that ‘fairy’ is a quality of presence. Looking with a fairy eye into the inner worlds while looking with a physical eye into the outer world. The invisible world is inviting us into this the delicate balancing act as co-creators, in a joyful alchemy of vision and imagination for the Earthly universe."
And like we are used to at ECOlonie, we’ll do this with the awareness that we are all responsible to put deeds to our words. And turn the spirit into actions to achieve our goal in caring for Gaia.
Guest lecturer Ying Li
"I am honoured to be invited to return and facilitate our geomantic work in the landscape. We will build upon what we did last summer, but we also move forward in a new way, listening deeply to what is arising in the present moment, and what the place and its beings are asking for.
The Green Cathedral beckons us to gather, as its majestic architecture of green light is made possible when diverse beings of Earth, including humans come together to listen, exchange and co-create in tune with Gaia.
Last summer the Green Cathedral at Forge Neuve was ready to jump into a new level of dimensionality in the embodied world. With the guidance of Marko Pogačnik, we opened to the dragon and fairy realms and initiated a healing process for the ancient landscape’s lost goddess culture. The connection to the cosmic tree at ECOlonie was renewed. Countless beings of the landscape were collaborating with us in excitement. At the end of gathering, a group of elemental beings who had been following us closely told me the wish they held in their hearts: please establish here a ‘Centre for the Cooperation of All Beings’. Yes, here at ECOlonie and Forge Neuve!
Details and booking
From 20 to 26 july 2025
including breakfast at Forge Neuve. Excluding accommodation and other meals.
When: From 20 to 26 July
Price: €340 incl. breakfast at Forge Neuve. Excluding accommodation and other meals
If you book a stay including breakfast you will pay €320.
Sunday afternoon opening of the Gathering at Forge Neuve,
Every morning 7.30 a Silent Fire, 8.30 breakfast and 9.30-12.30 morning programme and 15.30 - 18.00 afternoon programme. In addition, you can get acquainted with ECOlonie by joining us for a few hours of work.
Closing Friday morning 12.00